The Fam

The Fam

Friday, October 22, 2010

Ten Months

These pictures are out of order again, so she is looking quite tired by the end of the picture session.We were about to go to our neighborhood pool, which I don't think we will be going to again. When I was young, I remember having such a great time at the pool but now that I am a lot older, not so fun. The water was hot and there was nothing really to do, but stand around in pee pee infested water, ha. I really, really want a boat and I think I am slowly but surly convincing Dustin to cave in once we get all our ducks in a row.

Waving is her new thing now. We have to coax her to wave to strangers but she loves to wave bye-bye and hi. She does two different types of waves, her Miss America wave and a grasping type wave, so cute.

I love this little face, I just want to smother her in kisses.

At ten months she had four little teeth, two on the top and two on the bottom. Now she has six teeth, two more on the top. She loves to crunch things in her teeth to hear the sound but lately she has been trying to swallow her cereal, organic peanut butter balls, whole and choking on it. I really do not like to give her the cereal because it is processed so maybe it is my fault, since I don't introduce it to her enough.

I cannot really remember what we were doing the last couple of months, bad I know. My brain has not recouped from pregnancy, and I am afraid it never will. I don't know if this happens to everyone but most of my friends agree, after being prego and having a baby your brain or memory is not the same.

I tell people all the time at work, because everyone always asks to see a picture of Harlowe, I am just trying to make it through the day, let alone take a picture of the poor girl. My poor baby, but I am trying to whip out the camera every once in awhile. Although, the camera we have is like professional grade so you need to assemble it before picture time and to put it bluntly, I am a lazy son of a gun.

Ok, let me try my hardest to remember. Harlowe loves the water and maybe she will enjoy swimming. She is blowing bubbles in the bath tub but sometimes she gets confused and sucks the water up instead. She is now blowing bubbles in water glasses, she grabs at my straw and starts making noises and blowing bubbles. So cute, but it is not a pleasant grab, yet more of a give me that straw now, lady. This girl has a little personality and a big attitude. Wonder where she got that, DUSTIN, ha. Just kidding, we both have attitudes so she is going to be one stubborn little girl.

She still does not like the sippy cup and prefers the sippy with the straw. I am trying very hard to wean her from the bottle but its not happening. Weaning her from the boob and the bottle, stress! I cannot get Dustin on board with stopping the bottle because she is still a grouch at bedtime, so he sticks to what they both know. Sorry Dr. Zuniga, our baby will probably be on the bottle until kindergarten, ha.

I know we started her on whole milk around 11 months because I was out of breast milk and didn't want to switch to formula for one month. She has done really good with the transition, no complaints thus far. She is drinking Horizon, organic milk because that is what Dustin likes. He says it is sweeter than Promise Land, who knew, because I refuse to take a sip of milk. I cannot stand milk but I will drink it up if it is flavored and in coffee, crazy!

I really thought I am a little obsessed about the whole organic thing and I know I have said this before. But my friend Mona said she is pretty particular about it too and had a pretty good reasoning which I forgot about. She says she gives her children organic milk and food because of the hormones they contain and this will prevent premature puberty. Pretty smart huh, I totally forgot about prepubescence.

Oh, I have some exciting news, I am going to see Dr. Weinstock today and he is going to slice and dice the skin ball off of my tongue. I know that sounds so gross but I am so excited, hopefully after this, I will be good to go. I am taking a few days off of work again, so hopefully this will be the last thing on the agenda. I will keep everyone updated but thanks again to everyone for all their support and prayers.

I think on my last blog, I left out Dustin's uncle John, thank you for always checking up on me to see how things are going. I really am blessed with such great, caring people in my life.

Have a great day and don't forget to be greatful for all the little things in life!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fourth of July

Daddy giving Harlowe sugar

My mother and Harlowe

Harlowe enjoying her first rib, Dustin's idea of course. She takes after Dustin's side of the family and my mother because she loves the meat. She will pick meat over fish, what is a mother to do? But hopefully she will like sushi, one day:)

I love this picture, she just melts my heart.

I am so behind on the blogging and I have so much to share with everyone. First and foremost, I am doing pretty good and my surgery went well. I have the most wonderful ENT surgeon who specializes in oncology, he is so personable and his bedside manner is impeccable. He even gave Dustin and I his cell phone number and I warned him, big mistake giving Dustin his cell phone number. I told him Dustin is chatty Kathy when it comes to the phone, the boy has no shame, poor Dr. Weinstock, ha.

The day of the surgery, I wasn't nervous and I remember being pretty calm, but it was probably due to the fact, we were running late so I had no time to ponder over things. Dustin said the surgery was quick and I was pretty out of it when I went to recovery. All I remember is waking up and seeing Dustin and Dr. Weinstock, who was trying to go over what to expect when I got home. Big mistake because I was so out of it, I couldn't remember anything.

When I got home and probably a couple of days after, I was feeling really good and proud of myself because I was not in that much pain. I only took Tylenol and Motrin so I could continue to breast feed. We even planned a trip to go to Corpus Christi so I could recover by the beach. It ended in utter disaster because of course I did not bring any of my pain medication because I was doing so well. The day after we got there, I was in so much pain and it was totally unbearable, we had to leave. Although, the weather was gorgeous and our condo was very nice, at least we were able to enjoy a day or so on the beach.

I took three weeks off of work and much needed, I cannot lie, having surgery on my tongue sucked to put it bluntly. I had to always hold my tongue a certain way in my mouth to avoid rubbing it against my teeth and I could only drink on one side on my mouth. At first I kinda got annoyed I couldn't eat but it was so painful to eat, I got over it real fast. It seems like I am still recovering because a month or so ago I bite the side of my tongue, the side where he sliced me up, ha. I guess my tongue is not healing properly because there is a big ball of sensitive skin there, gross, I know. I thought it would have healed by now so I kept it to myself but recently I told Dustin because it has really been bothering me. It is like I have a food aversion because it is hard to eat and always gets caught on my teeth. Even when I try to talk or swallow the thing seems to constantly get caught, annoying to say the least.

So the plan is: consult Dr. Weinstock and hopefully he can just chop it off, that is how annoyed I am. But I am all good with that and I am praying that will be the answer. I am at my wits end and am tired of talking like Elmer Fud and being the human sprinkler when I am talking, ha!

Although, the long term plan for me is to be monitored closely for two years and I will get a CT scan every three months. The type of cancer I had, apperently likes to spread so that is why he is going to monitor me so long. I really wanted another child but the baby making machine is on hold for now, per Dr. Weinstock's request. I was kinda depressed about it and I think Dustin saw it on my face when he told me. But the kind hearted husband that he is said maybe we can wait for a year and see how you are, then maybe start trying. My husband is the best husband in the world, he is my best friend and God has truly blessed me.

Reading the blog, it seems kinda negative but all in all I really cannot complain. I am healthy and happy, I have a wonderful family and support system and despite everything, I have a blessed life. I want to thank Dustin for being so supportive and wonderful through this whole ordeal. I really could not have gotten through it without him.

I want to thank my mother who came to stay with me for two weeks. She helped Dustin and I so much with Harlowe and taking care of me. She is a remarkable woman and I admire her strength and loving heart.

Thank you to Dustin's family who are so supportive and caring. I am blessed to have such remarkable in-laws.

Thank you to all my friends and brother for all the calls and texts. I have a great set of friends and a wonderful brother who are so thoughtful and kind.

Thank you to my grandparents and Aunt Janet and Uncle Roger for the thoughtful cards. I really appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers.

Most of all Thank God who has always set the path even though I might not know the end result. I know I have said this a million times but my life is a blessing. I never knew my life would end up here but it is an amazing life!