The Fam

The Fam

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Disney On Ice With London and Trysten Four Months

Doesn't Harlowe look so excited to see Disney on Ice, ha!

Taking pics of two toddlers at the same time was hard, these were the best we could get.

Harlowe is not having it, look at that face.

Getting ready for nap time. I know Harlowe has a bottle but after this day she has moved on to the sippy cup.

Bath time with London. London and Harlowe are about two months apart and Harlowe just adores her. London is Dustin's best friend's daughter.

My beautiful, little Trystee. I don't know why I call him that but Dustin wants his nickname to be Mr. T, but I refuse, ha.

I love his big blue eyes, he is just the sweetest thing. I cannot get enough of him. Dustin thinks I am crazy because all I want to do is hold him and love on him all day. One day when I got done running, Trysten was still asleep and I was heading upstairs to get him, and Dustin stopped me and said are you really going to wake him up just so you can hold him. I had to stop and think about it, yes I am crazy, but I did check on him and he woke up on his own, ha.

When we tried to put London and Harlowe down for naps, Harlowe would not leave poor London alone. So we had to separate them, my poor baby gets so excited around other kids. She needs school desperately, hopefully after the holiday's we will enroll her.

Harlowe wanting a high five.

Trysten is four months and his teeth are coming in so he is a big drool monster. He is such a strong little boy and grabs onto everything. He totally pinches me when I am feeding him or just holding him. He pinched my neck so hard it looked like Dustin left a hickey on my neck, ha. He is breastfeeding still but Dustin hates it because he always seems to spit up afterwards. And it is the nasty spit-up, clotty milk, gross. It is pretty gross because you don't even know he does it, I was walking around Target with a big glob of spit-up in my hair and shoulder and didn't even know it until Dustin was pointing at me in disgust. Apparently if Dustin bottle feeds him he never spits up, whatever:)

Trysten gets plenty of tummy time because since he was born, he has slept on his stomach, I am a bad nurse. He is sleeping pretty good, we feed him at 2300 and he will sleep until 0600 but if Dustin is watching him, he will sleep until I get home. Maybe not sleep but self soothe until I get home, ha, my poor baby.

He still hates the car seat but Dustin says he is getting better. But it seems every time I am in the car, he is crying, maybe it is me.

Okay, about Disney on Ice, not such a good idea. The show started at 11am and of course everyone was hungry so we got popcorn and the works, with cool cups and everything. Dustin left me with three kiddos by myself to get more food for his hungry butt. Of course the isle's were so tight we could barely move and I had Trysten in the baby Bjorn. I was trying to hold him, two cups without lids and a big tub of popcorn, big mistake. London's necklace went over the balcony, never to be seen again and the tub of popcorn went flying onto the poor lady in front of us and of course to top it off, I spilt one of the drinks too.

The two kids were not really paying attention and were to busy messing with the poor boy in front of us. Dustin was so embarrassed because the mom had to switch seats with him so Harlowe and London would leave him alone. Needless to say, the whole time we were there Dustin was asking me if I was on the pill, ha. And during intermission he couldn't take it anymore and said we needed to leave, but I guess he didn't want me to get mad so he said, I mean if you want to leave we can, ha. We of course left because I was trying to breastfeed Trysten in these little bitty seats and the poor man next to me probably thought I was crazy trying to maneuver every which way. It was absolutely crazy, I felt like a train hit me by the end of the day. I did not have any time to eat or even drink anything.

My friend Jodi has three little ones and I don't know how she does it. I thought two was hard. Hopefully next year we will have it under control and Dustin will agree to come with me again, ha.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Harlowe's First Hair Cut and Trysten at the Park

A sucker after her hair cut because she did so well. All I had to do was hold her hand and she stayed perfectly still. I decided no bangs, we are going to try to grow them out. We will see.

Harlowe and Christine. Christine is one of Dustin's friends who also cuts his hair. She did a great job.

Trysten and Harlowe about the same age, four months, yet so different. Trysten looks like a grown man compared to my little girl, ha.

Trysten's first ride in the swing, he really enjoyed it and Harlowe loved pushing him. She is really a great big sister.

I have been playing around with the pictures on our computer. I love black and white photos!

He is such a happy baby, I can make him laugh just by looking at him. Maybe it is my ugly mug, ha.

I was playing around with the color on this one. The Apple computer is so easy to play around with pictures. I will have to spend more time on editing my photos from now on.

I have so much to say about what is going on with our family, but lately my heart has felt heavy. I say that because working in the hospital during the holiday's and looking at other people's blogs, regarding their children's hardships, puts everything in perspective for me.

God has truly blessed me with healthy children, and I am so grateful for that. When I was pregnant with both kiddos, my ultrasounds were abnormal regarding their heart. I would literally pray and pray for healthy children, I think I even worried Dustin. I was kinda obsessive about it, yet in the end two perfectly healthy kids.

Once Trysten was born, he really reminds me of my father every time I look at him and I wish he was here to see him. Dustin and I have made it our new tradition to hit happy hour on Monday nights at our local Mexican restaurant, we love their strawberry margaritas. I did not drink at all until we were blessed with two children, ha. Having a margarita puts me in such a relaxed state I don't have a care in the world, which is a nice breather from my type A personality. Anyways, I am digressing, one night after margarita's we were driving home and Dustin just busted out, I miss your dad and Trysten reminds me of him. I don't know what came over me but this wave of sadness hit me and I just broke down in tears. I really miss my father but I know he is in a better place where he is healthy and happy.

You really cannot put a price on happiness or your health. That being said, my father smoked and ate so unhealthy for many years which ultimately caused his death. Sadly to say, Dustin also smokes and just cannot kick the habit. This has caused many fights between us, but finally I have realized to let it go. I really pray for him but that is all I can do. I see how smoking effected my father, Dustin's grandmother who has also passed away and Dustin's grandfather, who suffers from emphysema. Hopefully, it will not take a medical crisis for him to realize he needs to quit.

Harlowe is at the age where she knows what is going on and I just hate for her to see him smoke. But I guess my brother and I turned out just fine, I think we took it to the extreme opposite. We are both health freaks and both of us try to eat pretty healthy and limit the meat intake. Hopefully Harlowe and Trysten will follow along those lines. Please say a quick little prayer for my husband, he really needs divine intervention at this point, ha.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and Christmas is right around the corner, yikes. My mission for this coming week is to put up a tree for my babies.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Happy Fall at Dewberry Farms

Just to warn you, there are a bunch of pics. And the reason Harlowe has a snarl on her face is because both kiddos were sick with runny noses and a nasty cough. But we trucked on to Dewberry Farms, I thought it would be fun but not so much.

Trysten and I showing Harlowe that the PVC slide was cool. Boy did it hurt your butt going down.

My mom and Harlowe, so funny!

Fun wagon ride, it is a barrel with a hay stack in the middle to sit on. My mom said it really hurt her butt, she is a trooper. As you can see, Dustin and I are sitting on the side lines, we are smart, ha.

My big, blue eyed baby. His eyes are still the prettiest blue and Dustin still wants a DNA test, ha. I love this little fatty.

Our tour guide said the pumpkin season this year was pretty rough, so they had to import a bunch of pumpkins from other places and just threw them in this big field. It kinda sucked because I have seen other people's cute pics of pumpkin fields and this one wasn't so hot.

Harlowe bored and ready to go, ha.

My little hee woman, she loved to pick up the pumpkins for some reason.

Every time I try to pick out an excursion for the fam to go on, it seems to be a bust. Dewberry Farms looked so cool on the website but my mom and Dustin said it kinda sucked. The main reason was because it was so far away from our house, about an hour away and it really wasn't that much fun. Oh well, at least I tried. Hopefully I can find a better pumpkin patch next year.

If your wondering about Harlowe's hat, she insists on wearing hats. I still haven't gotten around to getting her hair cut, I really wanted her hair to be one length but I am thinking she is going to have to have bangs. She will not leave a dang bow in her hair, what can I say, she is my little tom boy. Maybe I should threaten time out if she takes out the bow, ha.

Trysten is growing like a weed, still wanting to eat all the time. I feel like we are attached at the boob, ha. He is very attached to me and starts crying when he is held by anyone else. Dustin says I spoil him too much, I think we had the same conversations when Harlowe was a baby. I probably do hold him a lot but this is my last baby so I have to soak it all up while I have the chance.

Trysten is eating about six to eight ounces a feed when I am at work. He is still not sleeping throughout the night but Dustin says he is training him while I am at work, I really don't want to know what that entails. He is still having a hard time adjusting to me going to work. Right when I put him in Dustin's arms, he starts crying, and all Dustin can do is let him cry himself to sleep. I remember Harlowe doing the same thing, I guess it is the breastfeeding thing. But during bath time, Dustin is the one to give both kids baths each night and Trysten will just coo and smile so big at Dustin, it is the sweetest thing. He still hates his car seat and cries until we pick him up. My poor baby is beet red and sweaty once we get to our destination. It is really annoying to Harlowe, poor thing just zones out in the care. I really feel sorry for her because Trysten has a temper and is a screamer.