My sweet baby girl
Looking back on the blog, I have been one lazy lady. This pregnancy is taking everything out of me and I have been such a complainer lately. All I want to do is rest and prop my feet up and poor Dustin is sick of me. I feel really bad because all I want to do is lay around and I know Harlowe and Dustin are so bored around me. But on the bright side seven more weeks and its all over, we will meet our new addition. I think Dustin and I have settled for a name; which is, Trysten Hastings Different. Actually Drew, Dustin's brother, came up with Trysten, a movie Brad Pitt starred in and his name was Trysten. Hasting's comes from Dustin's mother's maiden name.
Harlowe has changed so much lately, one day she just woke up and was a chatter box. She is talking up a storm lately. She knows all her body parts, from the My Baby Can Read, I know I have said it again but she loves the books and flash cards that come in the set. But right now her passion is the IPad, I really did not want her to watch too much television but she loves the IPad. My mother bought it for my birthday but somehow Harlowe has claimed it. It really makes car rides more tolerable for her.
Dustin and I are so amazed how she has evolved over the past nineteen months, she is really growing fast. She is the sweetest, loving, but most stubborn girl. She really knows how to play us also, because we have been using the time out method for discipline. And it really is working for us, she knows what time out is and if we talk to her about what she is doing wrong, I think she gets it. Maybe Dustin has another perspective on the whole thing but it has been working so far. Anyway, every time she does something wrong, we threaten her with time out and she will just give you the biggest smile and wave and say hi. It is so cute and Dustin even falls for it on occasion.
She is saying so many words lately, it is hard to keep up with. She is mimicking everything we do, it is the cutest thing. She loves our dog, Harley, she will wake up and give him the biggest hug and kiss every morning. She wakes up is the best mood and will love on you and give us big kisses and hugs, it really melts my heart. Everyday Dustin says, I love my little girl, he is so attached to his baby. These past couple of months, they are like two peas in a pod. Their new favorite past time is bike riding, her bike seat has moved to Dustin's bike and they go riding almost every night.
We have been looking for schools for her also and I think we found the one. It is really expensive but anything for education, right. It is a Montessori school in our neighborhood so it is so convenient. All the teachers have Bachelors degree's and they even teach Spanish. Dustin and I took a tour of the school last week and Dustin was the one all for it. He really likes the school and did not want to look at any other schools. I cannot wait for her to start, I think it will be really good for her socially and education wise. Yet, I have mixed emotions and of course while we were talking to the director, I almost broke down in tears. Hormones, who knows, I just thought my baby is going to school and there is no way I am going to be able to drop her off the first week. That will be Dustin's job, I think I will be in tears and look like a complete crazy person, ha. But the director was so nice and said I could even stay in his office and watch her on video if that made me feel better. I guess I am not the only crazy mother out there that cannot let go.
I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day and pray for our troops. They give their lives to protect us and give us the freedoms we enjoy everyday in America. God Bless them, it is a great sacrifice.