The Fam

The Fam

Friday, October 28, 2011

First Day Home: Oops

I totally forgot to post this. I guess it got lost in the mix, but better late then never. This was our first day home with Trysten and I was excited to see Harlowe and be in my bed. I have never spent the night away from my baby, sad I know. But now I know I can pull away, just a little, ha!

Harlowe loves her little brother too pieces and she is so good with him, she hardly ever gets jealous. I am so thankful.

I look pretty rough, I cannot sleep in strange places. Even when we go on vacation, I have trouble sleeping. Dustin will tell you I have trouble sleeping at home too, unless I am utterly exhausted. But I was up and at um, at 0600 and ready to hit the streets. The nice wife that I am let Dustin go home with my mom and Harlowe to rest comfortably in our bed. And he didn't make it back to the hospital until around 2:00pm, I guess him and my mother were having a ball at the house without us, ha! We were discharged from the hospital in one day, that was such a blessing because with Harlowe we spent three days in the hospital and two were at the Ronald McDonald House.

The last picture was Harlowe saying no to Dustin, she is such a character. Her favorite saying is "NO!" and with an explanation point, not so nice. So we are trying to teach her how to say no sir or no madam, it sounds more polite, ha. Looking back on these pictures, her hair has grown so much and it is always in her eyes. I am debating on taking her to get her first hair cut. I really want to put cute bows in her hair but she snatches them right out in a millisecond. So I am contemplating cutting her bangs, I guess we will have a family discussion on hair cuts because Dustin is the fashionista in our family, ha!

Back to the delivery part, I delivered in the same hospital I work at. Not really but Texas Children's a couple of years ago opened a maternity center, so needless to say I was treated really well. I was up really early and in the shower, I guess right after delivery not many people are ready to go. I had two great delieveries so no pain post delivery, thank you God. Me on the other hand was showered by 0630 and Trysten's pediatrician that was on call was impressed, he caught me putting on my makeup and towel on my head. We went over the usual, like don't let Harlowe touch the baby, more or less until after three months, didn't happen. I think she was french kissing him the first couple of day's we were home. Bad mother I know, but I guess my breast milk is like immunization city (ha) because no fever for poor old Trysten. And the surgeon who did Trysten circumcision was one of the doctor's I knew from way back, and he was the attending, thank God. Hopefully, Trysten won't look back on this blog and is mortified that his mother has put his business out on the streets.

Looking back, the first couple of months were pretty hard but now I am in the swing of things and we have a routine that works. I slap on the Baby Bjorn and I am comfortable taking both babies anywhere. I don't know what I am going to do when he out grows that thing, I will be in trouble. It is funny but before I would have never thought this would come out of my mouth; yet, I am kinda sad this will be my last baby. I love holding him, kissing him and his big fat smile when he sees my funny face. I actually walk through the hospital thinking, I will never be pregnant again and this is the last time I will have this baby stage. I am truly going to miss it. People always tell you children grow up so fast, and it is so true. I am trying to cherish each and every moment with my two little ones, we are truly blessed to have two healthy babies. I couldn't have ever imagined my life to be like this but I thank God everyday for his plan, I am truly blessed.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Photo Shoot

I know these pictures are more or less the same but I had to include all of them, I didn't know which ones to delete. I bought these cute shirts off of Etsy and since Harlowe was a baby, I just love, love, love this site. It is a website with a bunch of homemade items and they have the cutest children's stuff. I wish I was crafty but I fell short on that department, I even bought iron on applique's for Harlowe when she was a baby and still haven't done them. I know that doesn't have anything to do with being crafty, so maybe I am just lazy, ha.

Anyway, I had to get a photo op before Trysten grew out of his shirt, I had to squeeze his big body in this tiny shirt. It totally stinks that he has already out grown this shirt, my big fatty, ha. Trysten is three months here and Harlowe is two years old.

Trysten's eyes are still the bluest, most beautiful eyes. He gives you the sweetest gazes and smiles when he sees Dustin or I, not so much Harlowe because she just gives him the biggest hugs and the sloppiest kisses. She loves her brother to death and it is so cute to see, I never would have thought how amazing she is with him. He is still not sleeping that well and lately he is waking up at 0300 for a feeding and again at 0600. Hopefully soon it will get a little better.
I finally have his weight's from the MD: at two weeks he was: Length: 22 inches in the 82%, Weight: 10 pounds 3 ounces in the 76% and Head: 37cm in the 37%. At two months: Length: 20 1/4 inches in the 63%, Weight: 17 pounds 2 ounces (the paper was some how cut up so I am not sure what percentile he was), and Head 13 3/4 inches in the 27%.

Harlowe is talking up a storm, she is speaking in a couple word sentences and you can tell she wants to form more words in each sentence. She copies everything I do with Trysten, she tries to pump her little boobies and breast feed her baby, so cute. She will even pat her baby on the back while breastfeeding her. We haven't put her in school yet, hopefully we can do it after the holiday's. We just moved into a new house and I just started work so we are super busy. We are working on her colors, numbers and ABC's. The colors need work, but she has gotten pink and blue down. She can almost count to ten but skips three and four for some reason. She doesn't like me to sing the ABC song so we are reading the Doctor Seuss ABC book, she really likes it. It is so funny, the Doctor Seuss book has some weird things in it, like for Z it is a zizzer, zazzer, zuzz. And she will point to the big monster looking type thing and go huh? All I can say is I don't know either, maybe I should call it a zebra because she knows what that is.

We are still struggling with the potty training, she doesn't want to have anything to do with the potty. People have given me the advice to dump the diapers and put her in panties but her poop is so soft, (I know to much info, ha) I really don't want to clean it up. Maybe one day I will muster up the strength to put on the panties.

We are in our terrible two's, although I didn't think she was that bad. But after our photo shoot she had a melt down because I wouldn't take anymore pictures of her. She had a total melt down and I didn't know what to do, I just let her lay in my lap and cry. I know you are suppose to let them express their feelings but we have to threaten her with time out if she doesn't stop crying. I don't know what else to do, I guess parenting it trial by error and hopefully you get it right in the mean time.

Friday, October 14, 2011


I don't know what possessed Harlowe to put on her swimming shirt first thing in the morning, but here she is.

Her hair is getting longer and getting into her eyes but she will not let me put a bow in her hair. It is a constant struggle and one I have lost. Hopefully one day you will see a bow or a clip in this child's hair.

Dustin took some random pics and looking back on them, Trysten is looking a little pale. He needs some good old Vitamin D, the sun, badly. He is so fair and his hair is still blonde with blue eyes. Dustin is claiming a paternity test, ha, because we have brown all the way around. But Dustin's mom and my Dad are fair skinned with blonde hair and green eyes. Who knows what he will evolve into, but aren't his cheeks so kissable.

Trysten is three months old and becoming such a good baby. He used to cry and cry in the car seat and now it is smooth sailing, as long as his little belly is full. He loves the swing and will just sit there by himself, even while awake. Harlowe didn't last long in the swing when she was awake, she wanted to be held a lot. Trysten is sleeping better at night but still waking up at 0300 or 0400 for Dustin, but for me he will sleep until 0600 or 0700.

I am still breastfeeding and hopefully will breastfeed until he is one. But he is getting his teeth in and he is so rough, so I am hoping for the best. I am proud to say Dustin is doing pretty good with the two little one's by himself. I think he is handling it better than I could have and he is actually waking up to feed Trysten. I am so proud, I guess Trysten has a loud voice and won't let him sleep unless he gets fed.

Harlowe is a character, she has turned two and sadly to say I didn't give her a party, let alone bake her a cake. I am such a terrible mother, we just moved into a new house and I started working. Excuses, excuses, I will definitely make it up to her next year. Dustin's mom was nice enough to bake two cakes for her and buy her a lot of great gifts. Oh, I did muster up the strength to get Harlowe donuts for her b-day, one strawberry with sprinkles and a blue one with sprinkles. And we found some random candles, so she had birthday donuts. She loved blowing the candles out and she loves donuts, so all in all an okay b-day.

We didn't even get pics of the donuts because we couldn't find the camera in all the wreckage. Bad parenting I know, but moving is such a nightmare. It has been two weeks in and we are still living out of boxes. I am ready for some normalcy and order. Who knew you would miss order and organization so bad.