We are at our fav sushi restaurant, Fujiya, in San Antonio. I had not had sushi since Trysten was born and Dustin and I were in need, ha. It was so good!
Harlowe and Parker, so cute!
Everyone, CHEESE, ha!
Get ready for the action photo's. I was just clicking away because Parker did not want anything to do with Harlowe and her kisses, ha.
We had a great Christmas, but we missed my brother who is still in Afghanistan. Pray for our troops, it is a great sacrifice, what they give up to fight for our country. And my sister-in-law will say it is a great sacrifice for her too, I don't know how she does it by herself, lots of wine, ha.
We had a great time just hanging out together with the kids. Parker and Harlowe only get to see each other once a year, but they got along pretty good. We had our traditional seafood dinner for Christmas, crab legs and shrimp, delish. We got a lot of great gifts, personalized books from Fred, Christina and Honey. They are very cute and original. They tell a little story about their name which is so cute and Trysten got a personalized Christmas story.
What can I say, life is moving by so fast, I am just trying to soak it all in.
Harlowe is starting school on Monday, I am kinda sad about it but I know she is so ready. Dustin of course is so excited but every time we talk about it, I have been kinda down. You have to understand, it's my baby. Soon she will be at the age where she won't want me to hug her and kiss her or she will want to be with her friends, not her mom. Boo Hoo, time is going by so fast. Dustin thinks I am crazy of course but I can't help it, I need professional help, ha.
Dustin and I looked at a couple of schools and let me tell you, they aren't cheap. We really wanted her to go to a Montessori school and luckily we found a good one right by our house that we both agree on. But on our quest for schools, one of Dustin's clients suggested a reasonable school, not Montessori of course but a good one she liked. She is a former teacher so Dustin was all for it, the day we toured the school, he asked me if I brought the checks and he was ready to make a deposit. But me, not so much, the crazy person I am had to Sherlock Holmes inspect it, ha.
I hated it, the teachers looked young and some of there undies were hanging out of their pants to say the least. There were only two teachers certified and as I ramble on I guess I sound like a big snob. But Harlowe is our precious little girl who we think is a genius, ha. No really beside the potty training thing, she is pretty smart. Anyway, luckily we found a school we love and they try to serve organic food too, love it!
I am praying for my little girl, but I think I need all the prayers I can get. Dustin is dropping her off because I think I will have a melt down. I was getting teary just touring the school, am I insane or what? Please tell me other people feel the same way, ha.
Trystee, my precious baby boy, what can I say, but I am in love. After Harlowe I really didn't think I could love another person like I love Harlowe, but God just opens your heart so wide, it is amazing. I just love the way he looks at me and smiles so big. I love the way he holds my neck so tight like I am his world. He is so different from Harlowe, he loves anyone and everyone. He loves his daddy and Dustin can make him laugh and giggle. Dustin loves to dance around with him and swing him in circles, he just laughs and laughs. I think he is going to be Daddy's boy.
We started him on solids early, about five months, I know I am a bad nurse. But at least it was by a spoon and not in his breast milk, right? Anyway, he can put some food down, ha!
He loves oatmeal, that is his fave but I am running out of breast milk so I told Dustin to lay off the oatmeal. He mixes five ounces with one bowl and my marshmallow man can down the whole thing in one sitting.
These are the foods we have tried so far: Rice Cereal -constipates him so we are staying away from it
Green Beans
Sweet Potato
Cannellini Beans
Carrots are on the menu today