I don't know why these pics have a weird lighting to them, but here they are. Harlowe wasn't into the rodeo again this year, I don't know if it is the crowds or she just wasn't in the mood.
But after Dustin won her the unicorn she was in a good mood, I guess she just has to get warmed up to everything.
Last year Dustin took her on this same slide and it totally traumatized her. She was scared but once we started going, she actually liked it. Dustin wanted to take Tryst on the slide but he was too short. If your wondering why the heck would you take a baby on this big slide? Well, Dustin has swung this baby every which way and he just loves it and doesn't seem to be afraid of much.
My mom and Tryst having a snack of sausage on a stick and paper thin potato chips. The potato chips were Dustin's fave. We skipped out on the turkey legs and fried Snikers, don't you love fair food.
I don't know what Dustin is doing, ha.
Harlowe's tricycle was run over by one of our neighbors and she was so upset. So right after it happened we made a trip to Wally World, aka Walmart, and bought her a new bike. Dustin is sort of disgusted of how spoiled our kids are, but I don't know what it is but I get excited too buying new things for the kids.
Harlowe rode a couple of bikes around the store and picked this one, which has a baby seat in the back.
She loves this bike and we go on bike rides often. She has bit the dust a couple of times but keeps on truckin.
The other day was not my finest as a parent. I was working with Harlowe on her ABC's flashcards and I just wanted her to recognized A, B, and C. I mean what is the big deal, it is only three letters right. Wrong, so wrong, we went over and over it a million times, not really but it felt like it and she just could not get it. My poor baby was trying so hard.
I got so frustrated and said if you don't get these three letters you are going to time out. Dustin was even giving me this look like, what the HELL is wrong with you. And if you know us, Dustin is the short tempered one and I am calm and have patience.
She broke out in tears and said, mom, it is just so hard. I literally wanted to cry, what the heck was I doing? I was like the Flowers in the Attic mother, if you have never seen the movie, she locked her kids in the attic and whipped them with a coat hanger, I think.
I probably damaged her for life, I just need to chill on the academia she is just three.
Although, a few days have past and my baby still loves learning after that life scaring episode and I have totally learned positive reinforcement is the best strategy.
Tryst is talking up a storm and his fave saying is No, No and pointing his little finger.
He is a total mamma's boy lately.
He loves fruit and not so much on the veggies but likes edamame.
He loves seaweed and rice, my little Japanese boy, ha.
He loves candy and I have created two little monsters regarding the candy train.
He loves balls and has a pretty good arm. Can I use the word love anymore, sorry.
He is a boy's boy, Dustin's nickname for him is the Honey Badger. If you haven't seen the You Tube video, it is pretty funny. We even got Dustin and Tryst matching Honey Badger shirts as a joke.
I will have to take a pic of them.