Once again I am so far behind on the blogging, I thought I could catch up by combining the fourth and fifth month but no such luck. I have pictures from the rodeo and zoo I still haven't posted. Anyway, I accidentally posted the pictures backwards again, we feed Harlowe her first meal of bananas, took a bath and then put her to bed.
I did not have any rhyme or reason on how I started Harlowe on baby food, Dustin was itching to feed her, so of course bananas were all we had on hand that day. And yes, poor Dustin couldn't wait until her six month b-day, so we started her on food a week early, ouch (ha!). She loves bananas, I think they are her fave but as you can see her tongue reflex kept on shooting the food back out.
It took her awhile to warm up to eating food, probably two weeks where she would just arch her back and cry when she got into her Bumbo chair for meal time. What can I say, my precious baby loves the boob, ha. Let me tell you Dustin and I was a little worried about the eating thing because it seemed like a battle at meal time and I didn't want to force her. But who said patience is a virtue is absolutely right with this little girl, and boy does Dustin have to have great patience (she is still fussy in the evenings when I am at work, although I am digressing). After working with her every day, finally she sat in her Bumbo without fussing and chowed down, relief.
She is a great eater now that we are in the seventh month, can you believe it, our little girl is growing so fast. She has eaten a variety of foods and likes most foods we have given her, here is a run down:
1. bananas - loves
2. avocado - not at all unless it is mixed with something else
3. butternut squash - didn't love at first but likes now
4. oatmeal - likes when mixed with fruit but not so much by itself
5. apples - loves and now I add cinnamon which she really likes
6. sweet potato - likes, sometimes I add cinnamon and nutmeg which she likes, I think I add cinnamon to just about everything.
7. pears - loves
8. carrots - likes, I tried adding ginger but I don't think she liked it so much but will try again.
9. blueberries - not so much, they were a little tart that day. When I say not so much, she eats it but I think she likes other fruit better.
10. peas - loves
11. mango's - likes
12. green beans - loves
13. peaches - likes even when they are a little tart
14. salmon - hated it the first time but tried again the second time and now likes
I have been doing pretty good on making homemade, organic baby food. I am obsessed about organic now for our baby and most times I will choose the organic for Dustin and I over the regular produce. Although I am not as diligent when it comes to Dustin and I, anyway I read an article about organic food for babies and I thought I was doing so well but since I don't eat all organic myself, my breast milk is falling short. Hey what will you do, I am trying so doesn't that count, ha.
I have been roasting and steaming most of her baby food and it is pretty easy. I have even experimented with some spices. Everyone knows how obsessed I am with the Food Network and I just happened to find these great little meals, organic of course, by Tyler Florence (he is one of the chef's on the Food Network). You can buy them at HEB, I guess they are a little pricey but well worth it, she seems to really like the baby food.
Sorry about the whole organic obsession, proof reading the blog, I am kinda getting sick of myself. Bear with my craziness, we love you Harlowe and you are such a joy to be around. We love you to pieces, you are our little angel.
Love the pics! Harlowe is getting so big! You ARE doing good with the food -- I've had sweet potatoes and butternut squash sitting in the pantry for a while waiting on me to prepare them.....and I don't really have any great excuses! I tried bananas for the first time last night with Jorgia -- she was gagging (I think it was a texture thing)!! I'll keep trying though! :) Hey -- have you picked out some possible dates when ya'll can come and visit?!?