I accidentally posted these pictures without commentary, ha. Dustin and one of his friends, Cody, took the girls to the Children's Museum for the day and out to lunch. Daddy and Harlowe day, he said they had a good time and he was even able to get some good pics of the day.
Harlowe's first boyfriend, ha, I don't know who this little boy is but it is a cute pic.
My mom came in town this month and we took Harlowe to the zoo, because Dustin was busy remodeling our rent house. After the zoo we celebrated Dustin's birthday and went to Brennan's, which is a high end cajun type restaurant. It was really delicious, Dustin even tried the turtle soup, gross, and of course Harlowe had some too. I was dead set against trying it because we have a lot of cute turtles in our neighborhood ponds. But Dustin has a way of bugging you to death where I just cave in, just to make him stop bugging me. I really didn't like the taste of it, it has a distinct flavor, I cannot describe. Dustin didn't really like it either but Harlowe did.
Harlowe did not seem afraid of the goats but she was not too fascinated to see them either.
Cute baby giraffe
My posts are going to be all out of order, but these are recent pictures of Harlowe. She is 17 months and turning into quite a character. She is growing so fast and I love to watch her change. It seems like she does something new everyday. It was so funny, Dustin fed her cereal this morning and she proceeded to dump the cereal and milk onto her high chair table and put the bowl on her head. I was giggling but Dustin, not so much, he said two kids oh my God!
Oh well, we are in for some new adventures for sure. I am six months and big as a house. I really do not have cravings with this pregnancy, but with Harlowe I craved anything with salt. Dustin would get so mad at me because I loved movie theater popcorn and I would dump a ton of that yummy orange salt on the popcorn. We couldn't even share because Dustin was so disgusted. I am having a hard time sleeping and getting comfortable so my sleep is limited. I am still able to run but I have gotten to the point where I cannot push Harlowe in the stroller. I barely can shuffle myself around the block, but it feels good to get out and run. The weather has been so nice lately, I love the Spring.
Both of my pregnancies have been good, I cannot complain. I have three more months to go and I am counting down the days. I cannot wait to be on maternity leave again.
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