The Fam

The Fam

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Christmas Gingerbread House

What can I say, Christmas pics in January. We have been making this a little tradition at the Different household. 

I am no architect and my icing skills to hold the house together is lack luster, ha. Needless to say, I had to have Dustin help me assemble the house.

All in all, one side of the roof caved in while the kids were decorating it, epic failure, ha. 

But at least they had fun eating the candy and decorating the house. 

Tryst mainly eating the candy.

I think in every pic, Trysten has candy in his mouth.

The end result, of course I moved the house where you cannot see the caved in roof.

We had a great Christmas but it was kinda stressful on this mama. My mother was in Japan, visiting my grandfather who is not doing well. And my brother and his family couldn't make it either, bummer.

We usually spend Christmas with my family because I only get to see my brother and his family once a year because he is so busy with work.

We were trying to juggle Christmas at our house and Dustin's parents house so we were on the go most of the time. No time for relaxing for this fam, but we had a good time.

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