I haven't blogged in awhile, it has been a hard couple of weeks for my family and I, my father passed away at the end of March. I don't think I am up to blogging about what I am going thru right now but I know there will come a time where I can let it all out. I really miss you dad!
I am going to blog about Harlowe's fourth and fifth month since I am so far behind, knowing me, I will forget. Before pregnancy my mind was like a steel trap, I could remember anything and everything but now Dustin is better at remembering things, and that is sad since he has ADHD (just kidding).
Harlowe is full of smiles and she is finding her voice, her cooing has become louder and louder over the months. She has the sweetest voice and the most precious smiles that just melt my heart. She loves our dog, Harley, she will just follow him around the room and just smile and smile at him. I was worried how Harley would be around her, because he was always the number one baby for nine years, but he has been really good with her. He will just lick her little hands and mouth, which is gross but hey they say dogs mouth's are really clean. She has found her pincher grasp because lately she has been pinching the heck out of me. The bad part is she pinches me while I am breastfeeding her and it is not pleasant. She has finally rolled over from her back to her belly but not from her belly to back yet.
We just bought her a stand up bouncy thing, the name of it has slipped my mind, but I think she gets overwhelmed in it and can only last a few minutes in it. She stands up on her little legs very well and we are working on the walking thing. She doesn't really like tummy time so I am not sure about the crawling thing because when she is tired of being on her tummy she starts sucking her thumb. She will raise herself up on her arms for about a minute and then wants to take a break. She loves her little thumb, it really comforts her, I guess we will have to start saving up for braces, ha.
We are waiting on feeding her solids until six months and surprisingly our pediatrician agrees. I know some doctors say its okay to start at four months, but the crazy mom that I am has to be up to date on all the latest research. So needless to say she is almost seven months and we have started her on solids but that is another story for the next blog.
Oh, at her four month visit she was 25 inches in height (75% on the growth chart), 13 pounds 8 ounces (50%), and head circumference was 41cm (50%). Her little shots are getting worse and worse as she gets older but she is easily consoled so that is a good thing. Poor Dustin stood in the corner again and had nothing to do with the shot thing. He is a pretty strong person but at the six months visit he said he really felt for her and got a little emotional. My poor babies, I love them so.