I have been back to work for about two and a half months now and Dustin says she knows when I leave to go to work. She cries right when I hit the door, I thought things would get better by now but still the same. I feel really bad for Dustin and my poor Harlowe but Dustin has been a trooper and he is so good with her, I don't know what I would do without him. I thought she would get used to me going to work by now but no such luck. Hopefully she will grow out of this, but we will see.
Today was a fun filled day at the mall to get my haircut and Dustin and Harlowe went with me. We had a great lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, but it is an adventure eating out with Harlowe. I always hold her in my lap when I eat because it seems like she wants to be involved in the action. She will not stay in her car seat or the stroller while we are eating, but I cannot blame her. Anyways, she became fussy and we were out of milk in the bottle so I had to try to maneuver the hooter hider, breastfeed her and eat at the same time. It is a challenge because lately she wants to kick her legs and move her arms all about, exposing all my goods to everyone in the restaurant. It was so funny, poor Dustin had to cut my food for me while I draped a napkin over Harlowe's head. Let me tell you if the napkin wasn't there, Harlowe would have had a head full of food. I remember the days when life was so simple, although I would not change a thing, I am loving these days. Each day is a new adventure and I always learn something new about Harlowe. Dustin is so cute, he always looks at Harlowe and then looks at me and says, she is so beautiful and I love her so much.
Seriously -- I have had a meal just like that one (actually, several!). AND one was even in the Cheesecake Factory (it was right after Trevor's sister had Miss Maggie). Meal times can be crazy -- they seem to stay calm right up until it's time for Mommy to sit down and eat! Love the pics!