Dustin looked at this picture with a microscope and said, I had salad in my teeth and glasses marks on my face, so sorry I am a mess
Dustin's mom didn't want to do picture time but we got her anyway
I think you are going to be a daddy's girl once the booby thing is over. Dustin can elicit the biggest smiles and the sweetest cooing from you. He is already preparing you for roller coasters because he loves playing superman with you and you love it too. I get so sick on roller coasters so that will be a daddy, daughter thing. Dustin loves you so much and will never admit to this but one day he said you will have him wrapped around your finger, yet when those words left his lips, he took them back in the same breath.
I am behind on the blogging so I have been at work for two months now, but it was so hard to leave you. I cried for two weeks before going to work, I knew you were in good hands but I just didn't want to be away from you. Hopefully I won't smother you when you get older, I will have to learn to let go. Dustin was so sweet to me, he would just give me a big hug and told me everything was going to be okay. He would even come up to the hospital and just let me peek at you sleeping in your car seat.
We are still working on the bottle thing, there are times she is okay with it and there are other times she is not having it. Usually those times are when I have to go to work and poor Dustin is left with an inconsolable baby. My mother and Dustin's mother said she misses me, and that feels really good to be missed but I feel really bad for Dustin. I have now seen it first hand, the crying spells, and they are not pretty. Dustin and I had some disagreements about the crying thing and I am sorry I was so hard on you. He would try to console her but nothing worked, I don't know if she just wanted me or the boob? Probably the boob, ha. It was so funny, a month into working, I thought she was getting better and not having the crying spells, but he would just not tell me about them. It has taken a couple of months but some nights are good and some nights are bad, according to Dustin. But tonight we had a break through and I am at work and he is at home and she did well, yeah!!
I know in the past I loved work and I still like it but I think I like being a mom better. I wish I could stay at home and be the Leave it to Beaver mom, baking the cookies and making home cooked meals. Although, I am blessed and only have to work three nights a week so I cannot really complain. I am grateful that Dustin and I can work around our schedules and not put Harlowe in day care, God is great, what can I say!
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