The Fam

The Fam

Friday, February 17, 2012

San Antonio Zoo at Christmas

My blogging has went down hill but hopefully I am back on track. It has been so busy lately with work (in the ER a lot lately and it has been kicking my butt, ha) and the kiddos. Truthfully, I have been totally exhausted lately and all I want to do is sleep, my mom and Dustin can account for that. But today is going to be my first day off of four and I have a plan, become more  productive and start exercising. Lately I have been in a slump and it is not pretty, but maybe if I put it out there in the universe it will come. 

Well as always I did not pick thru the pics so there are a lot, sorry, I guess I am indecisive. But when we went to SA for Christmas, it was a gorgeous day and we decided to trek onto the zoo. My mom wanted to stay home with Tryst but I made her go and carry the baby of course, ha. We had a good time with lots of exercise for everyone.  

My mom and Tryst, five months. My baby still has blond hair and blue eyes. I love this little guy.

Random, but Dustin took the pics and loved the old trees.

It is hard to see but it is a big hippo underwater, so cool. We were debating if it was fake or not for about five minutes and it finally moved. So cute with the fish and my mom's head, ha.

Photo op of Christina and Parker. He was not having it but we got a few good one's.

We were trying really hard for photos at the end but it wasn't happenin

Harlowe throwing a mini fit because she doesn't want Dustin to take her pic

I am looking a little tub-o-licious, i.e. goal: working out, ha. No, really there is no ha about it.

Harlowe marching

Cactus photo op because Christina and Fred are living in DC right now, so no cacti.

We went on a train ride after the zoo. Harlowe and Parker love trains, Dustin stayed behind. It was a pretty cool ride through the wooded park area. I really love SA and the zoo was a lot better than Houston's.

Everyone, Miss America wave, ha.

At the Different household: Harlowe has started Montessori school and going full time now, which is 0800-1530. It was a rough start, not that bad though. Dustin has been doing all the transporting and he has been her moral support. I am a baby and couldn't do it. It was so funny, she woke up one morning and said, mommy I don't want to go to school, I want to stay at home with you and watch TV. In those exact words, I was trying to do my best to get her dressed and ready for school but she busted out crying and then I busted out crying, so sad. I woke Dustin up and told him she didn't want to go, but I have never seen that man get out of bed so fast, he popped up and said we are going to school. If I didn't have Dustin, I don't know what I would do, maybe home school, ha.

Dustin is such a good husband, he knew it was hard that day so he took a video of her in her classroom before he picked her up. Just fine and dandy without mommy, boo hoo. I think I had a harder time than she did. I really miss her when I am off but I know it is good for everyone all the way around. I told Dustin, when Trystee starts school I am going to want another baby, ha.

Now Harlowe loves school and talks about what she does during the day and her friends. She is doing better on the potty too. Her teacher puts her on the potty every hour or so, hopefully one day, no more diapers.

Trysten is seven months old now and eating us out of house and home, ha. He is a big eater and has eaten pretty much everything we stick in his face. Dustin and I have been whipping up some good food: pureed broccoli, parmesan cheese and cauliflower with cheddar cheese, but the most elegant meal was prime rib and mashed potatoes. We are some gourmet baby making fools, ha.

He is sitting up and can roll over. He still sleeps prone and is sleeping through the night. He is the happiest baby and so calm, unless you put him in the car seat. He is doing better but still hates it. He wakes up with the biggest smile and is not grouchy at all. He is still drooling a lot but no teeth yet.