The Fam

The Fam

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sea World Extravaganza

 If we go anywhere I always carry Tryst in the Baby Bjorn, because now if you carry him without it he tries to buck back to get out of your arms.
I love this hat but now I try to put it on him and he will snatch it off his little head. I remember Harlowe did the same thing, oh well.

Parker feeding the dolphin's. This boy has no fear, Harlowe on the other hand, scared-y cat.

Harlowe would just drop the fish in but Parker pet the dolphins and everything.

I have been noticing lately Dustin is no where to be found in the pics. This boy cannot hold Tryst but for a minute and then he starts whining. I know he is stronger than me so what is the deal, I guess it is the mother's duty, ha.

Oh my gosh, Harlowe is doing it on her own, so proud. That is Harlowe with the matted hair, holding the fish. Put on the hat girl, I am taking your pic, ha.

Dustin's idea

I love this little blue eyed baby. His eyes are not changing thus far so maybe they are here to stay.

Sea World has a little kiddy area with a bunch of rides. We did not hit it until the very end so they only rode one ride because we had to see the night time Shamu show.

We are having a dilemma in our household, Dustin is having a very hard time watching the kiddos on his own. I can post this because he never reads the blog so he won't kill me. I really feel bad for him because I can see it in his face that it is so hard for him. How do people do it? School is so expensive and daycare, I don't even want to think about it.

I have to work so I just don't know what to do? I really have to say we are hands on parents and we don't really have any help. If anyone has some suggestions I am all ears. I am cringing just reading this post because having kids is difficult and this is what parents are supposed to do, suck it up and deal, right?

Most of my adult life I have been hoping and praying for children and a family, and I have a wonderful family and God has blessed me in so many ways. Hopefully God will throw a little blessings onto Dustin, ha.

I am sitting here re-reading my post and thinking to myself, should I delete this? No, I am putting it all out there and maybe some day Dustin and I will look back on this and remember the good and the bad. It was funny tonight before he went to bed, he said, I love these kids to death but this is the hardest thing I have ever done. He said if I can get through this, running a business will be a piece of cake.

Reading this and thinking about our life together gives me a lump in my throat, I know it isn't what we expected but in the end it is so rewarding and fulfilling. I cannot imagine my life without them.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Easter at the Different's

I should have combined the last two posts but there are a ton of photos. I just couldn't resist buying the casterones, which are egg shells filled with confetti, so fun. Dustin's dad was a good sport and let Harlowe crack a dozen eggs on his head. Harlowe loves her Pa Pa.

Harlowe trying to find all the eggs, they even hid some in the trees.

I love her expressions, so cute.

Trysten and Dustin's mom, I think she is trying to hide from me, ha.

Dustin's grandfather, Pa Pa Roy.

Dustin was trying to get a video but our Ipad was malfunctioning, sucks.

We haven't been up to much lately, just the regular everyday stuff. Trysten is nine months now, almost ten months, time has flown by with him. He only has one bottom tooth but his top gums are bulging so any day now, they look painful but he hasn't been that fussy. He is crawling up a storm, he doesn't really want to be held anymore, he is on the go all the time. He is pulling up on everything and cruises around furniture. Dustin and I cannot wait until he starts walking so he can really play with Harlowe. Harlowe loves him to death.

He has really come into his little personality, we thought he would be the easy going one but he has gotten an attitude on him. He has started this thing where if he doesn't see you he will throw a fit. I was trying to take a nap before work one morning but I hear this blood curdling screaming coming from upstairs, so of course I laid there for a couple of minutes hoping Dustin would do something to make him stop. But no such luck, so I run upstairs to find Trysten covered in water while Dustin is trying to shower with the shower curtain open, ha. Dustin gets out of the shower and says what the heck is wrong with your baby, of course he has to be my baby when he is off his rocker.

Harlowe is 2 1/2 years old now, the time has flown by. I am proud to say she is fully potty trained now and wearing panties to school, yeah! It was a struggle and sometimes I don't think we handled it so well, like putting her in time out for pooping in her diaper. Not one of our finest moments but you have to understand we would ask her if she needed to go and of course she would say no, but the next minute she would be making the poopy face right in front of us. Justified time out, no, but we are trying our best, ha.

We, I mean I have decided she is going to school only three days a week now. But now she is loving school and talks about Omar and Alex all the time. Who are these boys, I don't know but she really likes them. Oh well, I just feel guilty when I am off, I should be watching her. I know get over yourself, that is what Dustin would say but what is a smothering mother to do, ha.

Harlowe loves to sing and dance so I am thinking about putting her in a mommy and me dance class. Oh and since summer is coming up, her first swim lessons of course. It is a lot of activities but I will keep you posted if I follow through or not. My brother's son has done so well with swim lessons so I really want to do that but me in a bathing suit, yikes a ramma. No pics of that will ever be posted, ha.

Easter At Cody and Sydney's

My baby girl

Me and Trystee. I know these pics all look the same but Trysten looks so cute, I couldn't delete them.

Harlowe and London, so cute.

London and Cody's Mom

We had a good time during our Easter break. We went to Cody and Sydney's, which is one of Dustin's friends from high school, they have a huge yard so there were tons of eggs to hunt. They had a crawfish boil and a bunch of goodies. We had some snacks because it was off to the Different's later on that day for another Easter Egg Hunt.