The Fam

The Fam

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Our New Dog: Rocco

These are some pics of the zoo on one of the nice days in December. 

This is Harlowe's new hair cut, she wanted short hair against all my persuasion, she wanted it shorter than this, yikes. 

Lately, she is picking out her own outfits, accessories and even helping me pick out her clothes when I let her go shopping with me. 

She has made a lot of new friends in our new cul-de-sac, they are all older than her but she fits right in. 

What can I say about my baby, Tryst? He still has a temper and a mind of his own but he is getting better. We are starting him back in school, starting January, hopefully he won't get kicked out, ha. 

He is talking more and loves to read books. 

He loves Dora and Diego, he could watch these shows for hours. 

He loves playing outside and has tons of energy. 

He loves playing Bubble Guppies on the Ipad and this has saved us, when we want to go out to eat. 

He is totally a boys, boy, he will bite the dust so hard, but he will just pick himself up and say I am okay and keep on going. 

Tryst did not want to take a pic

She is taking a pic of her new hair do. 

This is our new pooch, Rocco. It is really Dustin's dog, because he picked the dog out. I would have never paid so much for a dog and now he is trying to convince me to buy a $200 training collar. He convinced me to buy the dog because he said he would take care of it and he raved about how these dogs, Standard Poodle, are the smartest breed.

Dustin has lost his dang mind, I told him if Rocco is so smart, it won't be that hard to train him, ha.

But the kiddos love this dog to pieces and he is really good with them. He is only four months here.

Tonight is New Year's Eve and we do not have any big plans because I am working the night before. So I will probably be asleep before midnight, such an old lady, ha.

I really haven't thought of any New Year's Resolutions but here are a few:

1. Work out more

2. Eat healthier

3. Do things more for myself

4. Live for today and don't dwell in the past, let things go

5. Say No to things I don't want to do, stop trying to please everyone

6. Get more organized

7. Make our home, our home. I haven't been decorating because we move so much but this is the year, our home will feel like us finally. I am on a decorating rampage, ha.

Hopefully, I can stick to these because in the end, I think my life will be a lot happier.

Happy New Year, I hope everyone has a good one.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

San Antonio with a View

I know I am including a bunch of summer pics in the midst of winter but what is a girl to do. 

I am trying to play catch up. It has been so bad, I haven't taken any recent pics of the kiddos. 

New Year's Resolution, GET ORGANIZED!!!

I think that is a big one every year, will I ever be organized?

Anyway, these are some pics from my mother's pool on the roof top.

Harlowe is a little character these days, she loves taking pictures.

And Tryst, oh my baby with an attitude. All you can do is throw your hands up and hope for the best with this little one.

Dustin and I had a meeting of the minds, ha. We have come to the conclusion, we need to put Tryst in school. Come January this little one is hitting the road, ha. Lets pray he won't do some serious damage to the other little kiddos, ha.

My crazy girl. This little girl is such a girly girl, and she thinks she is a fashionista. I cannot pick out her outfits anymore, even if she is looking like a hot mess. All I can say is how beautiful she is and give Dustin a dirty look or two when he tries to become her fashion critic, ha.

I love this view, you can see all of downtown SA. We love going to visit, it is like taking a little vacay.

It seems like all my pics are of Harlowe, but Tryst will not stay still enough for me to take his pic. He is always on the go. He is totally a boys, boy. Rough, energetic and rambunctious.

Hopefully, next post will be more winter like, but it is hot again here in Houston. The weather has been crazy. We are still in shorts, I don't mind, it has been kinda nice. We have been spending a lot of time outside.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Lost Pics of Galveston

I am so behind on blogging, these pics are from the summer. Trysten doesn't even look the same anymore. 

Galveston beach is the closest beach to us, it is not the prettiest by far. The water is brown and the beach part is not so clean but for a cheap activity that the kiddos love, what the heck.

We love feeding the seagulls, they practically will eat out of your hand. 

The water actually looks pretty here. 

No more long hair for Harlowe, the kiddos and Dustin were getting hair cuts this week and she totally wanted her hair short. I tried to persuade her out of it but this little girl has a mind of her own. 

It is totally chopped in a bob with bangs. I will have to post some pics. 

Tryst is two in these pics but has changed so much in just six months. 

These kiddos love the beach like their parents. I cannot get enough of the water in the summer time. I wish we could live by a body of water. 

It is November and it is hot, here in Houston. I am ready for the fall like weather. I love Thanksgiving and Christmas time, it just seems so homey to me. A time to hang out with the fam. 

I have been stressing a lot lately regarding my job and I have been praying a lot lately, to just let everything go and leave it up to God. 

That is the hardest thing with me, I know God has a plan for me and no matter what I do or how hard I pray, about winning the lottery, ha. He has a plan for me. I just wish I could let stress roll off my back because I have confidence in his plan. 

Happy Fourth Birthday Harlowe

My baby is now four years old and the time has flown by. When I look at her she looks like a little girl, not my baby anymore.

My mother came to visit for a week for her birthday because we threw her a party, but this unorganized momma did not snap one pic of her party. 

I am definitely not the hostess with the mostest. I was running around the whole time, unorganized and I always tell myself next year I will plan better. 

We started the day with donuts and candles. 

 My mom got her a singing birthday card so that is what she is holding

 We went to Carrabas for her birthday meal and our waiter was so nice, he gave her two desserts.

Tryst is trying to help her blow out the candles in the background

My baby is four and she is such a character and has grown into a beautiful little lady. She is generous, sweet, kind and funny. She has some sass and she has become a girls, girl.

She loves clothes and wants to pick out her own outfits. She loves gymnastics and she still loves to hang out with her momma. She loves to cuddle and be held still. And she still gives me the biggest hugs and kisses. I hope this never changes.

She has a lot of confidence which I envy. She knows she is beautiful, Dustin and I tell her this everyday.

I love this little girl to death and am so proud to be her mother. She makes my days so much brighter, she makes me laugh everyday. I love her smile and her enthusiasm about life.

Happy birthday Harlowe, we love you. You mean the world to us.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Sydney and London

Harlowe is now four, I cannot believe it. Every time I look at her, she is like a little lady. My baby girl is growing up so fast. 

She painted her face herself

I don't know why I look so large in this photo. It looks like I am squishing my poor baby, ha. 

London in the pumpkin patch.

 Trysten my sweet baby is now two. He is a total mommas boy now and I love him to pieces. 

He has a strong personality and he absolutely refuses to potty train, he will yell NO NO, when I sat him on the potty. 

Dustin and I agreed we will definitely be putting him into school, come January. Maybe someone else can potty train this little boy, ha. 

He is all wet from playing in the water area, filled with boats. 

You cannot take your eyes off this little one, I turned around a couple of minutes and he was standing on top of the railing about to jump in the water area, yikes. 

Dustin and I both went to the museum and we both missed it. 


We have been going through some things at the Different house.

First of all: Homeless for a month, going back and forth from my mother's in San Antonio and my in laws, here in Houston.

Why you ask, our new house was being remodeled for a month which should have been two weeks, says the hubs.

My attitude during the whole remodel, not so good.

Second: When we got to move back in, the house was a disaster. We moved all our stuff in the house while remodeling, so needless to say all our belongings were dusty, dusty, dusty.

I spent 12 hours cleaning the house top to bottom one day and still was not done. Dustin has spent countless hours cleaning too and a couple of months later it finally feels clean.

Third: My job in the float pool is non-existent and this happened during the remodel. I was upset at first but if God closes one door, there is something better on the other side.

I still have a job but now I am permanent on one floor. I am blessed to have a job.

Lastly: During all this craziness, Dustin got a new dog. Buff color (but he looks white to me), standard poodle. His name is Rocco after Rocco DiSpirito, the chef, ha. I wanted to name Trysten, Rocco but Dustin wasn't going for it so I guess the dog is a close second, ha.

He is the sweetest little puppy and so good with the kiddos.

In the midst of all our drama, my baby girl turned four. We had a birthday party for her but it totally sucked, I rented a bounce house and it rained all day and I didn't get any pics.

But Harlowe thought it was the best birthday ever, how little kids view the world is so amazing. I wish I could leave all the stress behind and view the world through my child's eyes.

I wasn't on top of my game these past few months, hopefully I can get it together, ha.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Trysten's Second Birthday

I am back to work after my two weeks vacation for Trysten's birthday. I had a great time just being off and spending time with the family. We didn't have a party for Tryst but we went to SA to visit my mother for the 4th of July to see the fireworks and go to Sea World.

We started his birthday out with donuts, his favorite.

He really didn't know what to do with the candle, Dustin had to blow it out for him.

Fourth of July, waiting for the fireworks. We had so much fun, Dustin's uncle and parents came in for the fireworks.

The view from my mother's balcony, the Tower of America.

I guess Harlowe was a little excited to see the fireworks.

 The fireworks from my mother's balcony. It was so loud and so close, we could feel the vibrations. Trysten was so scared he ran inside, but eventually came back outside. Harlowe did pretty well, she wasn't scared at all.

And to tell you the truth, when it first started I was kinda startled because it was so loud.

We had a great time but poor Dustin got into some poison ivy before we left and he looked liked the Nutty Professor. Somehow he rubbed his eyes and they were so swollen, I wish I could post a pic but he would literally kill me. It was so funny but he was so miserable, I really felt bad for him. Although I guess I didn't show it enough because he said he would never want me as his nurse because I have a poor bedside manner, ha. I guess I wasn't compassionate enough.

My baby is two years old and he is such a handful but I love him so much. I just want to hug him and kiss him all day long.

He is totally a boy's boy, he loves to climb on things, jump, hit and kick. He is a strong willed little person, he knows what he wants and he is determined to tell you. He loves his sister to death and tries to copy everything she does. He will look for her and doesn't want to leave her side. It really is so cute.

Happy Birthday Trysten, you are my heart and we love you very much. You are a wild one but you are the most loving person. You love to have fun, you love for Dustin to spin you around until you are sick. You are fearless and you want to do everything yourself.

Dustin and I are so lucky and blessed to be your parents. You make us laugh, you make us smile, you make us better parents everyday.