The Fam

The Fam

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Chewy's at Christmas

I know I am so behind and have not even posted one picture of Christmas. But I found these pictures yesterday and downloaded them real fast before work. My brother and his family come in town for Christmas so we get to spend a few days with everyone, which is really nice.

It is really hard to get a good picture with two small children to look your way at the same time. So these were the best pictures we could get. My family and Dustin and I love Chewy's Mexican Restaurant, every time we are feeling cheap we go here for the happy hour. They serve free chips with queso, taco meat and beans. We usually fill up on the free stuff and share one meal between the three of us. We always feel bad that we are being so cheap so we of course give the waiter a big tip, to make us feel better.

Harlowe and Parker look so cute together. This was the first year they could really play together and really get to know one another. Their at the age where they parallel play but I still think they had fun. Harlowe loves children, she loves being around other people her size. So hopefully she will be nice to the new baby on the way. She really doesn't understand I am pregnant so I hope she is not completely shocked when there is a new addition.

My brother and his family

Harlowe loves to play with rocks, I don't know what is so fascinating about them.

Harlowe is seventeen months now and doing a bunch of new things. She is slowly mastering the fork and spoon. She is not really interested in coloring yet, she will just make a few squiggles and be on her way or she will put them in her mouth. I think I need to offer her more opportunities to color, I think that will be our next project.

My baby can read DVDs and books has really helped her, and no I don't own stock in this company, ha. Although, I think it has been a good tool for her because she can point to all her body parts and she loves the flash cards. She will bring you the flash cards everyday and goes through all of them over and over.
She is starting to say a few words: nose, I see you, hi, bye-bye, mama, dada, juice, bah (sheep sound). I really cannot think of anything else but Dustin states she says things everyday that I don't hear. But when he asks her to repeat herself she won't do it.

She is starting to point at her diaper when it is dirty so I have been introducing her to the potty chair. It really has not caught on yet but we will see. She will just sit on the potty and point to her privates without any pee-pee or poop. Yet, when I gave her toilet paper for the first time she knew what to do with it.

I probably could go on and on but I will save it for another post. I have been watching the news a lot and the people in Japan have been weighing on my heart. My grandparents still live there and are doing fine. But just take a moment to pray for the people who are still suffering there.

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