The Fam

The Fam

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sea World Summer

My blue eyed, blond haired baby loves the water. He thinks he can swim and will try to push away from me when I am holding him to kick his little legs. 

I am happy to say, Tryst is finally walking. He started walking the last week of August, one day he just picked up and started walking every where and long distances too. He is growing so fast and he just loves his big sister and follows her around everywhere.

Harlowe was actually brave enough to go on the kiddy slides by herself. She loves the water too but I hate to admit it, yet I had two incidents where she went under water and I wasn't paying attention. Keeping it real, she almost drown for a minute. One day I took the kiddos to the pool by myself and I was holding Trysten, Harlowe wanted to take off her life jacket to try to dive for the dive sticks. Not really dive but we were standing on the stairs and she would put the little cars on the lower step and go under water to get them.

She was doing so good and I was so proud of her but I think I ruined her for awhile because I turned away for a minute and she was under water with these big eyes looking at me and she looked so scared.  She thankfully held her breath and I couldn't tell you how long she was under water but I won the worst mother award that day. Yes, and it happened one more time at Dustin's parents house, talk about a potential CPS case in progress, ha.

I felt so bad and to this day I have nightmares about it. She was totally okay both times, no coughing or gasping for breath but just scared shizless. She was doing so good in the pool and it has taken awhile for her to feel more comfortable going under water again. I might have scared her for life but I am definitely going to enroll her in swim lessons next summer so hopefully she will forget those two episodes.

I on the other hand will never forget and I totally need to wake up and pay attention!

Loving on her brother, they are so cute together. I totally thought it was so hard having two little ones so close together and I am not going to lie, it was so hard the first probably six months or so. And everyone at work always told me, it will get better Buffy, it is good that they are so close in age. I thought they were nuts, although now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

They do occupy and entertain each other and Harlowe is so good with Tryst. I am so glad we had the kiddos close because it has been a headache at times but it is totally a blessing and the good outweighs the bad.

Tryst trying to swim with Honey

My dorky husband

My mother the photographer, not

Harlowe would not take a picture with Shamu by herself, she was kinda scared

My baby Harley! I am sad to say my best friend of over 12 years has recently passed away. I will have to post more pics of Harley and give him a little tribute but I just cannot find it in me to talk about it.

I miss him everyday and the house feels so empty without him. I loved this little pooch, I couldn't have asked for a better companion.

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