The Fam

The Fam

Monday, June 7, 2010

Seven Months

We try to let her have fun with her food the nights we give her a bath

She loves her peas

Trying to feed herself

Her bouncer which she loves

Lately, Harlowe has been such a joy to be around and her personality is really coming out. She loves to eat pretty much everything. We have totally given up on the one item for three days thing. We have been trying to cook more at home and whatever we eat she eats; although we love the salt and her dishes are salt free. She has tried chicken tortilla soup, spaghetti and meat sauce, gyoza (a Japanese type dumpling) with rice and chicken with green beans. As you can see I have been eating more meat, yuck, but I guess blended salads everyday would be out for my poor baby.

We have tried to give her more finger foods and she has the puffs and Cheerios down pat but other foods seem to choke her and she takes forever to feed herself. So we still blend her foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner but give her finger foods for snacks.

She is not really interested in drinking milk anymore either, so needless to say my milk production is slowly dwindling down. She only wants milk in the mornings and at bedtime and I can sneak in a snack of milk here and there throughout the day.

She is getting more independent everyday, lately she is so involved in checking out her environment she gets distracted easily during feeding time. It seems like if Dustin and I want to have a conversation while she is eating she is totally involved and looking back and forth to whomever is talking. She is a total mess but we love her so much.

What can I say about our precious little girl? You are wearing six to twelve months clothes, you have been pretty much right on track when it comes to clothes. You are wearing a size 3 diaper now. The crawling thing we are still working on, you are going backwards just fine but not forward. You love to be on your feet, you always want to stand and will pull up using our shirts as support. You don't like lying down, you always want to be sitting or standing. You do the cutest thing when we change your diaper, you bow out your chest and make the funniest faces. Probably Dustin will be the only one to know what the heck I am talking about. You are into everything now and Dustin can attest to that, he says that to me just about everyday. You are not really taking the sippy cup, you think it is a new chew toy but we are working on it.

You are the sweetest most precious baby in the world, everyone says how cute you are. You make our hearts melt when you smile so big and giggle when you see your dad or me. You are saying mama and baba, which I don't know if she associates these words to anything yet but she is saying them. We are working on Your Baby Can Read DVDs everyday, and no she cannot read yet, ha. I don't let you watch TV yet, only the DVDs. Although, you are not really interested in watching TV, the DVDs hold your attention for about 10-15 minutes.  You love your books and we read to you every morning. You love chewing on your pacifier, you use it as a chew toy, which keeps her pretty distracted when I am cutting her nails.

We love you so much and you are growing so fast, I cannot believe how the time flies. You make me feel so good about life and how blessed we are to have you. I cannot thank God enough for all the blessing we have and you are a big one.

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