The Fam

The Fam

Sunday, December 20, 2009

These pictures were after Harlowe's first cardiology appointment and after we took off the leads from the Holter monitor we went home with. So if your wondering why she is so mad and her chest is so red, the adhesive didn't agree with her delicate skin, my poor baby. Please excuse the boob pad in the background, I am not that computer savvy so I didn't know how to crop that part out. This was probably a little after the two week mark and I am getting pretty good at the breast feeding thing now but the hormones, ouch. Dustin will tell you it was like living with a crazy person, but he was so good to me and so supportive. Now that I reflect on that time, I really felt sorry for him, I was a mess. I was going stir crazy at home and I was trying to get used to all of her needs and wants so I couldn't always please her, combined with the lack of sleep was awful. I work at night so I am used to staying up at night but it seemed like every time I would put her down she would wake up an hour later. Although if she would sleep with me, we could get a good two hours. As a nurse, I know better than to sleep with my child but no one ever told you it would be so hard. I would cry in the middle of the night and get mad at Dustin because I felt like he could wake up and take a shower or go run errands without concern. But I had to plan my day to the tee, around breastfeeding, trying to pump and please my precious baby, it wasn't my best hour. Dustin and I did take Harlowe out in public around two weeks because if I didn't get out of the house I would have gone looney tooney. Luckily she didn't get the swine flu, ha and I kept my sanity. But I would not change a thing, motherhood is the best thing in the world and I love her more and more each day.

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